Pamela Pereyra
Learning Designer
Program Manager
Learning Designer
Program Manager
Pamela Pereyra is a media and digital learning leader, speaker and artist. She works with students, educators, families, schools, districts, organizations, businesses, and legislators. She facilitates future-ready programs while connecting people to knowledge and skills important to them, their community, and their growth. Currently she'
Pamela Pereyra is a media and digital learning leader, speaker and artist. She works with students, educators, families, schools, districts, organizations, businesses, and legislators. She facilitates future-ready programs while connecting people to knowledge and skills important to them, their community, and their growth. Currently she's exploring the impact of computers on culture and society through a Community of Practice with a team of educators; conducting media fluency trainings in schools, facilitating workshops in digital literacy skill-building with families; and leading monthly networking meetings for NM educators statewide and national state chapter leaders for Media Literacy Now.
Pamela Pereyra is the person you turn to when you want to have fun implementing future-ready learning involving media and technology. From building your curriculum to sustainable professional development and from becoming an expert in hands-on media and digital literacy to unleashing youth voice creatively to facilitating group learning,
Pamela Pereyra is the person you turn to when you want to have fun implementing future-ready learning involving media and technology. From building your curriculum to sustainable professional development and from becoming an expert in hands-on media and digital literacy to unleashing youth voice creatively to facilitating group learning, Pamela has figured out a formula to create sustainable and resilient programs through collaborations.
Pamela is recognized as the leading voice for Media and Technology Education in New Mexico, as the go-to person for Media Fluency initiates, as an expert in Youth Media Programs since 1999, as a fountain of resources for the latest information on Multiliteracies, as major promoter and implementer of Critical Digital and Media Literacy an
Pamela is recognized as the leading voice for Media and Technology Education in New Mexico, as the go-to person for Media Fluency initiates, as an expert in Youth Media Programs since 1999, as a fountain of resources for the latest information on Multiliteracies, as major promoter and implementer of Critical Digital and Media Literacy and as leading NM coach on the Thoughtful Integration of Media & Technology. She is the founder and CEO of Media Savvy Citizens and New Mexico Chapter Chair of Media Literacy Now.
All workshops and trainings are designed to be a hands-on learning experience
Creating Learning Environments For Access, Opportunity, Sustainability, and Equity
Consulting services and support including Businesses, Schools, and School Districts
Pamela currently holds an M.A. in Media Studies, specializing in Media Fluency as well as New Media Design and Production. She has worked as an Educator for over 20 years and most recently piloted the thoughtful implementation of media and technology education with thirty New Mexico School Districts. As a part of her active involvement within the Digital Learning and Media Literacy communities, Pamela works with statewide and local stakeholders to educate, create resilient programs and transform learning. Pamela has worked at the policy level and received funding to create and implement media fluency initiatives embedded in teaching practice through the New Mexico Public Education Department.
Please feel free to get in contact with Pamela if you have any questions or inquiries about the work above.
Teacher Support & Professional Development / Learning Design / Rural Media Education / College & Career Readiness With Media & Technology / Media Literacy & Digital Literacy / Healthy Habits / Policy / Coaching / Facilitation
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